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Going Infinite: The Rise and Fall of a New Tycoon
Michael Lewis

From the #1 bestselling author of The Big Short and Flash Boys, the high-octane story of the enigmatic figure at the heart of one of the 21st century's most spectacular financial collapses 'I asked him how much it would take for him to sell FTX and go…

Dodacia doba
38,44 €
Audiokniha Lev, šatník a čarodejnica. Kroniky Narnie 2
Clive Staples Lewis

Číta: Matej Landl Pri obyčajnej hre na schovávačku deti objavia niečo, čo sa človeku naskytne iba raz za život! Lucy Pevensiová a jej súrodenci nevdojak prejdú cez starý šatník do čarovnej krajiny - Narnie. Len čo sa v nej ocitnú, začne sa obrovské dobrodružstvo.…

Dodacia doba
13,95 €
Abstract Graffiti
Cedar Lewisohn

Since the early days of the graffiti movement in late 1970s New York, street art has transformed cities around the world. Today it is a hugely popular, yet still highly controversial art form. In Abstract Graffiti, Cedar Lewisohn provides a vibrant account…

Dodacia doba
25,95 €
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland illustrated
Lewis Carroll, Sir John Tenniel

"The Collector's Colour Library" takes the favourite illustrated titles of "The Collector's Library" and presents them in full colour. Original colour illustrations are faithfully reproduced, and where illustrations and decorations…

Dodacia doba
12,99 €
Lonely Planet, James Oseland, André Aciman, Rita Mae Brown, Tom Carson, Giles Coren, Tamasin Day-Lewis, Naomi Duguid, Fuchsia Dunlop, Joe Dunthorne

Tales of Food, Pleasure and Discovery on the Road. Join us at the table for this 34-course banquet of original stories from food-obsessed writers and chefs sharing their life-changing food experiences.

Dodacia doba
11,99 €
Screwtape Letters: Letters From A Senior To A Junior Devil
C. S. Lewis

A milestone in the history of popular theology, 'The Screwtape Letters' is an iconic classic on spiritual warfare and the power of the devil.

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13,95 €
Sinclair Lewis

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3,95 €
Big Short
Michael Lewis

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9,50 €
Elmer Gantry
Sinclair Lewis

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3,95 €
Main Street
Sinclair Lewis

The first of Sinclair Lewis s great successes, Main Street shattered the sentimental American myth of happy small-town life with its satire of narrow-minded provincialism. Reflecting his own unhappy childhood in Sauk Centre, Minnesota, Lewis s sixth…

Dodacia doba
3,95 €
The Complete C. S. Lewis Signature Classics: Boxed Set
C. S. Lewis

A beautiful compilation of inspirational writings, featuring seven classic works in one box set.

Dodacia doba
79,95 €
The Steadfast Tin Soldier
Hans Christian Andersen, Naomi Lewis

Hans Christian Andersen's powerful and haunting tale describes how a one-legged tin soldier falls in love with a proud dancer from the same toy collection. The soldier valiantly endures the various trials inflicted on him because of his love, remaining…

Dodacia doba
9,95 €
Flight or Fright
Stephen King, Bev Vincent, Michael Lewis, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Richard Matheson, Ambrose Bierce, E.C. Tubb, Tom Bissell, Dan Simmons, Cody Goodfellow

An anthology of turbulent tales edited by Stephen King and Bev Vincent. This exciting new collection, perfect for airport and aeroplane reading, includes an original introduction and story notes for each story by Stephen King, and brand new stories from…

Dodacia doba
23,95 €
The Fifth Risk
Michael Lewis

"The election happened," remembers Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, then deputy secretary of the Department of Energy. "And then there was radio silence." Across all departments, similar stories were playing out: Trump appointees were…

Dodacia doba
16,50 €
The Fifth Risk
Michael Lewis

The phenomenal new book from the international bestselling author of The Big Short'The election happened ... And then there was radio silence.'The morning after Trump was elected president, the people who ran the US Department of Energy - an agency that…

Dodacia doba
18,95 €
Flight or Fright
Stephen King, Bev Vincent, Michael Lewis, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Richard Matheson, Ambrose Bierce, E.C. Tubb, Tom Bissell, Dan Simmons, Cody Goodfellow

Fasten your seatbelts for an anthology of turbulent tales curated by Stephen King and Bev Vincent. This exciting new collection, perfect for airport or aeroplane reading, includes an original introduction and story notes for each story by Stephen King,…

Dodacia doba
11,50 €
Abstract Expressionism
David Anfam, Susan Davidson, Edith Devaney, Jeremy Lewison, Carter Ratcliff, Christian Wurst

In 1946 the art critic Robert Coates, writing in the New Yorker, first used the term 'Abstract Expressionism'. The two words combine the emotional intensity of the German Expressionists with the anti-figurative aesthetic of the European Abstract schools.…

Dodacia doba
34,95 €
The Great Divorce
C. S. Lewis

C.S. Lewis's dazzling allegory about heaven and hell - and the chasm fixed between them - is one of his most brilliantly imaginative tales, as he takes issue with the ideas in William Blake's 'The Marriage of Heaven and Hell'.

Dodacia doba
11,95 €
High Grade Living
Jacqui Lewis, Arran Russell

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31,95 €
When Cultures Collide
Richard Lewis

A major new edition of the classic work that revolutionised the way business is conducted across cultures and around the globe. It provides leaders and managers with practical strategies to embrace differences and successfully work across diverse business…

Dodacia doba
53,95 €
InCredible Communication
Rebecca Weintraub, Steven Lewis

In today's competitive business landscape, the art of communication is more important than ever. It's essential to develop a deep awareness of not only what we say, but also how we deliver it, resulting in a message that is both credible and incredibly…

Dodacia doba
23,50 €
Dobrodružstvá lode Ranný pútnik.(5)
Clive Staples Lewis

Peter a Susan sú už na návrat do Narnie pristarí, a tak sa cez magický obraz dostávajú iba Edmund a Lucy. Nechtiac so sebou priberú aj veľmi nepríjemného bratanca Eustacea, ktorý sa však pobytom v Narnii zmení na nepoznanie. Podobne ako predtým Edmundovi,…

Dodacia doba
11,95 €
The Boy Who Dreamed Dragons
Caryl Lewis

Albie dreams dragons... Some jewel-bright and fierce, some softly-scaled and whispery, but whichever kind they are, they stay with him throughout the night and the next day too. But the only trouble is that no one else can see Albie's dragons.Or can…

Dodacia doba
16,50 €
NARNIE – Čarodějův synovec
C. S. Lewis

Projděte s námi do země zázraků a kouzel – do Narnie! Podivínský strýc pošle svého synovce Digoryho a jeho kamarádku Polly objevovat jiné světy, do kterých si sám netroufá vstoupit. Oba kamarádi se musejí hodně ohánět, aby unikli nástrahám, které jim…

Dodacia doba
11,99 €
NARNIE – Kůň a jeho chlapec
C. S. Lewis

Je spousta dveří, ale pouze jedny vedou do jiného světa. Projděte s námi do země zázraků a kouzel - do Narnie! Vydejte se společně s malým chlapcem Šastou a jeho mluvícím koněm na cestu plnou záhad, nebezpečí, intrik a strachu. Podaří se Šastovi najít…

Dodacia doba
11,99 €
NARNIE – Plavba Jitřního poutníka
C. S. Lewis

Je spousta dveří, ale pouze jedny vedou do jiného světa. Projděte s námi do země zázraků a kouzel - do Narnie! Vydejte se společně s Edmundem, Lucinkou a Eustacem na loď prince Kaspiana a hledejte sedm přátel, kteří se dávno ztratili s princovým otcem…

Dodacia doba
11,99 €
NARNIE – Poslední bitva
C. S. Lewis

Je spousta dveří, ale pouze jedny vedou do jiného světa. Projděte s námi do země zázraků a kouzel - do Narnie! Jill s Eustacem se znovu vydávají do země, které hrozí zkáza. Narnie je zmítána zmatky a pochybnostmi a král Tirian musí zabránit jejímu úplnému…

Dodacia doba
11,99 €
NARNIE – Princ Kaspian
C. S. Lewis

Je spousta dveří, ale pouze jedny vedou do jiného světa. Projděte s námi do země zázraků a kouzel - do Narnie! Magická síla navrátila sourozence Petra, Zuzanu, Edmunda a Lucii do Narnie, kterou ničí občanská válka. Zachránit ji může jen mladý princ Kaspian,…

Dodacia doba
11,99 €
NARNIE – Stříbrná židle
C. S. Lewis

Je spousta dveří, ale pouze jedny vedou do jiného světa. Projděte s námi do země zázraků a kouzel - do Narnie! Najděte společně s Jillem a Eustacem syna krále Kaspiana, který zmizel při pátrání po vrahovi své matky. Času je málo, Aslanova znamení se…

Dodacia doba
11,99 €
NARNIE – Lev, čarodějnice a skříň
C. S. Lewis

Je spousta dveří, ale pouze jedny vedou do jiného světa. Projděte s námi do země zázraků a kouzel - do Narnie! ; Sledujte příběh sourozenců Petra, Zuzany, Edmunda a Lucie v zemi obrů, trpaslíků, kentaurů a dalších tajemných bytostí, zakletých Bílou čarodějnicí.

Dodacia doba
11,99 €