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At 17, she hopes to finally find out the truth about where she came from so she can discover who she truly is. Told in two perspectives, Marilyn's in the late 90s, and Angie's today, IN SEARCH OF US is a sweeping inter-generational story about mothers…
Sometimes the best letters are the ones that go unanswered It begins as an assignment for English class: write a letter to a dead person - any dead person. Laurel chooses Kurt Cobain - he died young, and so did Laurel's sister May - so maybe he'll understand…
Nechte si zlomit srdce dojemným debutem mladé americké autorky. Všechno to začalo úkolem na hodinu literatury: „Napište dopis někomu, kdo zemřel.“ Laurel si vybere Kurta Cobaina, který zemřel mladý, stejně tak jako její starší sestra May. Úkol sice neodevzdá,…