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In 1977, twenty years after the publication of his landmark poem "Howl," and Jack Kerouac's seminal book On the Road, Allen Ginsberg decided it was time to teach a course on the literary history of the Beat Generation. Through the creation…
Obsáhlý výbor poezie předního amerického básníka Allena Ginsberga, zakladatele literárního hnutí beat generation. Kniha obsahuje jak básně notoricky známé (Kvílení, Kádiš), tak i básně dosud v češtině nepublikované. Výbor Neposílejte mi už žádné dopisy…
V roce 1977, po dvaceti letech od vydání Ginsbergovy přelomové básně Kvílení a Kerouacova kultovního románu Na cestě, se Allen Ginsberg rozhodl vyučovat kurs věnovaný literárním dějinám beatnické generace. Ginsberg znal všechny zásadní postavy beatnického…
This is the only volume to bring together all of Allen Ginsberg's published verse in its entirety, celebrating half a century of brilliant work from one of America's greatest poets. Presented chronologically, it sets Ginsberg's verse against the story…
Allen Ginsberg was one of the most influential cultural and literary figures of the 20th century, his face and political causes familiar to millions who had never even read his poetry. This book attempts to offers a portrait of this poet by bringing…
'I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked' Beat movement icon and visionary poet, the author broke boundaries with his fearless, pyrotechnic verse. This book brings together the famous poems that made his…
Presents chronologically works such as "Paterson", selections from "White Shroud", "Cosmopolitan Greetings", and including the poems "Howl" and "Kaddish" as well as songs, and notes by Ginsberg. This…