Autor ?
Fascinujúci a poučný pohľad na to, čo o svete prezrádza moderná fyzika Kvantový fyzik, autor bestsellerov denníka The New York Times a moderátor spoločnosti BBC Jim Al-Khalili objasňuje základné objavy fyziky a umožňuje nám pochopiť, čo táto nesmierne…
Do Aliens Exist? And if they do - what would they look like? Where would they live? Would they be conscious beings? And what would happen if they found us? These are the biggest questions we've ever asked - and here, Professor Jim Al-Khalili, theoretical…
Part of the new Ladybird Expert series, Quantum Mechanics is a clear, simple and entertaining introduction to the weird, mind-bending world of the very, very small. Written by physicist and broadcaster Professor Jim Al-Khalili, it explores all the key…