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Evil Under the Sun
Agatha Christie

The perfect holiday…For a passionate crime It was not unusual to find the sun-loving Arlena Stuart stretched out on a beach, face down. Only, on this occasion, there was no sun…she had been strangled. Ever since her arrival, the air had been thick with…

Dodacia doba
18,95 €
Peril at End House
Agatha Christie

Agatha Christie’s sensational mystery thriller, reissued with a striking new cover designed to appeal to the latest generation of Agatha Christie fans and book lovers. On holiday in Cornwall, Poirot meets a pretty young woman with an unusual name, ‘Nick’…

Dodacia doba
18,95 €
Zlověstné jaro
Agatha Christie

Kolekce povídek s jarní tematikou od královny klasické krimi. Příroda se probouzí ze zimního spánku, mrazivé počasí střídají dešťové přeháňky, nastává čas klíčení – žel platí to i pro zločiny všeho druhu. Hercule Poirot, slečna Marplová, Tommy a Pentlička…

Dodacia doba
19,74 €
A Murder Is Announced
Agatha Christie

Now with a beautiful new series look, Christies classic mystery in which a murder is announced in a small-town newspaper advertisementand Miss Marple must unravel the fiendish puzzle when a crime does indeed occur. The villagers of Chipping Cleghorn…

Dodacia doba
22,95 €
4:50 From Paddington
Agatha Christie

The great mistress of the last-minute switch is at it again. . .. Even the experts have given up any attempts to out-guess Miss Christie. The New Yorker In this beloved classic from the Queen of Mystery, now with a new beautiful series look, a woman…

Dodacia doba
22,95 €
A Caribbean Mystery
Agatha Christie

Now with abeautifulnew series look, the delightful Miss Marple is ensnared inA Caribbean Mysterywhen a retired military man sparks her curiosity with a photograph and a strange story of a murderer. As Miss Marple sat basking in the Caribbean sunshine,…

Dodacia doba
22,95 €
A Pocket Full of Rye
Agatha Christie

Now with abeautifulnew series look,the bizarre death of a financial tycoon has Miss Marple investigating a very odd case of crime by rhyme.Rex Fortescue, king of a financial empire, was sipping tea in his counting house when he suffered an agonizing…

Dodacia doba
19,50 €
At Bertram's Hotel
Agatha Christie

Now with abeautifulnew series look,Miss Marple may be on holiday at a fancy London hotel, but shes back on the case when a mysterious guest checks out When Miss Marple comes up from the country for a holiday in London, she finds what shes looking for…

Dodacia doba
19,50 €
Miss Marple: The Complete Short Stories
Agatha Christie

This exclusive authorized edition from the Queen of Mysterygathers together in one magnificent volume all of Agatha Christies short stories featuring her beloved intrepid investigator, Miss Marple. Its an unparalleled compendium of murder, mayhem, mystery,…

Dodacia doba
19,50 €
Agatha Christie

Now with abeautifulnew series look,Miss Marple receives a letter from a dead man instructing her how to conduct an investigation into a puzzlingly unspecific crime. In utter disbelief, Miss Marple read the letter addressed to her from the recently deceased…

Dodacia doba
19,50 €
Sleeping Murder
Agatha Christie

Now with abeautifulnew series look,the indomitable Miss Marple turns ghost hunter and uncovers shocking evidence of a perfect crime. Soon after Gwenda moved into her new home, odd things started to happen. Despite her best efforts to modernize the house,…

Dodacia doba
22,95 €
The Body in the Library
Agatha Christie

Now with abeautifulnew series look,the iconic Miss Marple must investigate the case of a girl found dead in Agatha Christies classic mystery. Its seven in the morning. The Bantrys wake to find the body of a young woman in their library. She is wearing…

Dodacia doba
22,95 €
The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side
Agatha Christie

Now with abeautifulnew series look,a fatal dose of poison meant for a glamorous movie star fells her ardent admirer insteadand Miss Marple is there to unmask a murderer. One minute, silly Heather Babcock had been babbling on at her movie idol, the glamorous…

Dodacia doba
19,50 €
The Moving Finger
Agatha Christie

Now with a beautiful new series look, a classic mystery from the Queen of Crime in which the indomitable Miss Marple exposes a small towns shameful secrets. Lymstock is a town with more than its share of scandalous secretsa town where even a sudden outbreak…

Dodacia doba
20,50 €
The Murder at the Vicarage
Agatha Christie

Now with a beautiful new series look, Agatha Christies first mystery to feature the beloved investigator Miss Marpleas a dead body in a clergymans study proves to the indomitable sleuth that no place, holy or otherwise, is a sanctuary from homicide.…

Dodacia doba
22,95 €
They Do It with Mirrors
Agatha Christie

Now with abeautifulnew series look,the indomitable Miss Marple investigates some rather deadly doings at a rehabilitation center for delinquents.Miss Marple senses danger when she visits a friend living in Stoneygates, a rehabilitation center for delinquents.…

Dodacia doba
19,50 €
Jed v šampanskom

V klasickej detektívke Jed v šampanskom z roku 1945, ktorá vychádza prvý raz v slovenskom preklade, Agatha Christie majstrovsky rozohrala psychologickú hru plnú žiarlivosti, klamstiev a intríg. Román vznikol prepracovaním poviedky Žltý iris a Hercula…

Dodacia doba
14,90 €
Nemesis  (audiokniha)
Agatha Christie

Výstřední milionář Jason Rafiel, s nímž se slečna Marplová setkala v příběhu Karibské tajemství, odkázal slečně Marplové zvláštní dědictví – slečna Jane získá 20 000 liber, když přijde na kloub případu, o kterém nemá žádné informace. Heslo zní NEMESIS…

Dodacia doba
14,99 €
Come, Tell Me How You Live: Memories From Archaeological Expeditions In The Mysterious Middle East
Agatha Christie

Agatha Christie's personal memoirs about her travels to Syria and Iraq in the 1930s with her archaeologist husband Max Mallowan, where she worked on the digs and wrote some of her most evocative novels. Think you know Agatha Christie? Think again! To…

Dodacia doba
12,95 €
Mrtvá v knihovně
Agatha Christie

Klenot klasické detektivní prózy od nejprodávanější spisovatelky všech dob. V knihovně domu manželů Bantryových ze St. Mary Mead nalezla služebná mrtvolu mladé ženy. Až dosud byla paní Bantryová přesvědčena, že podobné věci se dějí jen v románech, ale…

Dodacia doba
19,20 €
Cíl neznámý
Agatha Christie

Špionážní detektivka od královny klasické krimi, jejíž příběhy nestárnou. Ve světě začnou podivně mizet mladí vědci. Jedním z nich je i nadějný výzkumník Thomas Betterton, jehož případ dostane na starost zpravodajský úředník pan Jessop. Ten se krátce…

Dodacia doba
21,94 €
Opona: Poirotov posledný prípad

Posledný prípad slávneho detektíva Hercula Poirota napísala Agatha Christie ešte začiatkom 40. rokov minulého storočia, počas druhej svetovej vojny, no svetlo sveta uzrel až v r. 1975, rok pred smrťou legendárnej spisovateľky. Táto skvelá detektívka…

Dodacia doba
14,90 €
A Haunting in Venice
Agatha Christie

The inspiration for A Haunting in Venice - soon to be a major motion picture.A teenage murder witness is drowned in a tub of apples... At a Hallowe'en party, Joyce - a hostile thirteen-year-old - boasts that she once witnessed a murder. When no-one believes…

Dodacia doba
12,95 €
Hallowe'en Party
Agatha Christie

The inspiration for A Haunting in Venice - now a major motion picture. When a Hallowe'en party turns deadly, it falls to Hercule Poirot to unmask a murderer... During a night of party games, Joyce Reynolds boasts that she once witnessed a murder.No one…

Dodacia doba
19,95 €
AUTUMN CHILLS: Tales of Intrigue from the Queen of Crime
Agatha Christie

An all-new collection of autumn-themed mysteries from the master of the genre. Autumn is the season of misty mornings and cosy nights in, but as the leaves begin to fall the nights get longer and the shadows grow darker... Secluded cottages, eerie manors…

Dodacia doba
19,95 €
Murder For All Seasons
Agatha Christie

Agatha Christie's four seasonal short story collections presented in a sumptuous special edition boxset.

Dodacia doba
62,95 €
Murder on the Orient Express
Agatha Christie

Agatha Christie's most famous murder mystery, reissued with a striking new cover designed to appeal to the latest generation of Agatha Christie fans and book lovers. Just after midnight, a snowdrift stops the Orient Express in its tracks. The luxurious…

Dodacia doba
12,95 €
Prečo nepožiadali Evansa?
Agatha Christie

Klasická detektívka Agathy Christie z roku 1935 vychádza prvý raz v slovenskom preklade. Kráľovná zločinu nám tentoraz ponúka napínavý príbeh, v ktorom sa dvaja mladí ľudia pokúšajú vyriešiť zložitý detektívny rébus. Román zaujal slávneho britského herca…

Dodacia doba
13,90 €
Přízraky v Benátkách
Agatha Christie

Detektivka, jež volně inspirovala nejnovější snímek Kennetha Branagha (v češtině vyšla pod názvem Viděla jsem vraždu). Na haloweenské party udeřil vrah, jehož totožnost dokáže odhalit pouze Hercule Poirot… Během večírku plného her zazní z úst Joyce Reynoldsové…

Dodacia doba
19,74 €
Karibské tajemství (audiokniha)
Agatha Christie

Slečna Marplová tráví prázdniny na karibském ostrově St. Honoré. Nikoho z fanoušků oblíbené hrdinky jistě nepřekvapí, že nádherné počasí a překrásná přímořská scenérie jejímu zvídavému duchu nestačí. Ani historky jejího společníka majora Palgravea ji…

Dodacia doba
14,99 €