Kathleen Glasgow

Girl in Pieces

Charlie Davis is in pieces. At seventeen, she's already lost more than most people lose in a lifetime. But she's learned how to forget it through cutting; the pain washes out the sorrow until there is nothing but calm. She doesn't have to think about her father or what happened under the bridge. Her best friend, Ellis, who is gone forever. Or the mother who has nothing left to give her. Kicked out of a special treatment center when her insurance runs out, Charlie finds herself in the bright and wild landscape of Tucson, Arizona, where she begins the unthinkable: the long journey of putting herself back together. Kathleen Glasgow is also the author of How to Make Friends with the Dark and the forthcoming novel You'd be Home Now

Charlie Davis is in pieces. At seventeen, she's already lost more than most people lose in a lifetime. But she's learned how to forget it through cutting; the pain washes out the sorrow until there is nothing but calm. She doesn't have to think about her father or what happened under the bridge. Her best friend, Ellis, who is gone forever. Or the mother who has nothing left to give her. Kicked out of a special treatment center when her insurance runs out, Charlie finds herself in the bright and wild landscape of Tucson, Arizona, where she begins the unthinkable: the long journey of putting herself back together. Kathleen Glasgow is also the author of How to Make Friends with the Dark and the forthcoming novel You'd be Home Now

Jazyk anglický
Vydavateľ Oneworld Publications
Rok vydania 2016
Počet strán 416
Typ viazania Paperback / softback
Hmotnosť (g) 364 g
Rozmery (š-v-h) 130 x 198 x 31
EAN 9781780749457
Dodacia doba online cena - Skladom - 1 pracovný deň

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