Liz Kilbey, Lindsay White

New Challenges 2 WB + CD

New Challengeshelps students become more effective learners and better citizens of the world through personal development. The information-driven approach in New Challengesencourages teenagers to think about the world around them and provides lively achievable tasks, building their confidence, creativity, participation and performance. With New Challengesteachers make lessons educational, successful and fun!

New Challengeshelps students become more effective learners and better citizens of the world through personal development. The information-driven approach in New Challengesencourages teenagers to think about the world around them and provides lively achievable tasks, building their confidence, creativity, participation and performance. With New Challengesteachers make lessons educational, successful and fun!

Jazyk anglický
Vydavateľ Pearson
Rok vydania 2015
Počet strán 112
Typ viazania Paperback
Hmotnosť (g) 299 g
Rozmery (š-v-h) 210X295
EAN 9781408286135
Dodacia doba online cena - Skladom - 1 pracovný deň

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