Szerző Sir Winston S. Churchill
Here are some of the best of Churchill’s letters, many of a more personal nature, written to a wide range of people, including his schoolmaster, his American grandmother and former President Eisenhower. Letters for the Ages concentrates on the more intimate…
Here are some of the best of Churchill's letters of a more personal and intimate nature, presented in chronological order, with a preface to each letter explaining the context. The recipients include a vast range of people, including his schoolmaster,…
Winston Churchill was the most eloquent and expressive statesman of his time. It was as an orator that Churchill became most completely alive, and it was through his oratory that his words made their greatest and most enduring impact. While the definitive…
Churchillt a legtöbben csak úgy ismerik, mint a buldog természetű és buldog kinézetű angol miniszterelnököt, aki legyőzte Hitlert. Kevesen tudják róla, hogy lelkes tollforgató volt és elnyerte az irodalmi Nobel-díjat is. Ebben a - legjobbnak tartott…
...Sohase engedjetek, sohase engedjetek, soha, soha, soha, soha semmiben, se nagyban, se kicsiben, se fontosban, se jelentéktelenben ne engedjetek semminek, csakis a becsület és a józan ész meggyőződésének... Winston Churchill mozgósította és csatába…