Szerző Trine Hahnemann
Simply Scandinavian is a beautifully inspiring collection of easy and delicious recipes. In a nod to the Scandinavian way of eating, the book offers over 80 unpretentious and straightforward dishes with a focus on ease of cooking and seasonality. By…
Authentic Scandinavian recipes with a modern twist, shot on location in Denmark
A collection of recipes that will warm you up and teach you to embrace the art of hygge, no matter where you live
Food stories and recipes from the happiest city in the world
Smorrebrod for every occasion, including basic recipes for breads and toppings
Scandinavian Green is a beautifully inspiring exposition of eating plants. In this timely book, Trine has created naturally inspiring recipes that make fruit and veg shine so brightly that home cooks will lose the habit of making meat the hero of the…
Skandináviában a karácsony egész időszaka advent első vasárnapjától szilveszterig az ünnepek jegyében telik, amelyben a hagyományok tisztelete és a korszerű stílus egyformán jelen van. Az otthonosság érzését, a már nálunk is ismert dán szóval, a „hyggét”…