Szerző Stephen Briggs, Terry Pratchett
The one and only official guide to all things Discworld including, but not limited to:What to do when approached by a hermit elephantWhere to get a beer in Ankh-Morpork*How to play Cripple Mr Onion* and live to tell about it.
Containing material unavailable for twenty years -- this is a comprehensive guide to the enigmatic capital city of Terry Pratchett's Discworld, getting to the heart of Ankh-Morpork's secrets, societies and guilds.
A comprehensive guide to the enigmatic capital city of Terry Pratchett's Discworld, getting to the heart of Ankh-Morpork's secrets, societies and guilds
Ankh-Morpork: Archivy, svazek II, spojují čtyři vydání proslulých zeměplošských diářů do jednoho luxusního digitálně revidovaného kompendia. Nové vydání dává vyniknout původnímu textu od Terryho Pratchetta a Stephena Briggse a kresbám Paula Kidbyho,…
The absolute, comprehensive, from Tiffany Aching to Jack Zweiblumen guide to all things Discworld, fully illustrated by Paul Kidby. The Discworld, as everyone knows, is a flat world balanced on the back of four elephants which, in turn, stand on the…