Szerző Sean Carroll

A mélyen elrejtett valóság - Kvantumvilágok és a téridő megjelenése
Sean Carroll

„Azt hiszem, nyugodtan állíthatom, hogy a kvantummechanikát senki sem érti” – jelentette ki Richard Feynman egyik sokat idézett írásában. N. David Mermin szállóigévé vált megfogalmazása szerint pedig: „Fogd be a szád, és számolj!” A kvantummechanika…

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19,35 €
The Biggest Ideas in the Universe 2
Sean Carroll

THE INTERNATIONALLY BESTSELLING SERIES ‘Neat, and extremely simple: only a deep thinker such as Sean Carroll could introduce the complexity of Einstein’s general relativity in such a luminous and straightforward manner.’ Carlo Rovelli, author of Seven…

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21,95 €
The Biggest Ideas in the Universe 1 : Space, Time and Motion
Sean Carroll

THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER'Sean Carroll has achieved something I thought impossible: a bridge between popular science and the mathematical universe of working physicists. Magnificent!'Brian Clegg, author of Ten Days in Physics that Shook the WorldImmense,…

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15,95 €
The Big Picture
Sean Carroll

Where are we? Who are we? Do our beliefs, hopes and dreams mean anything out there in the void? Can human purpose and meaning ever fit into a scientific worldview? Acclaimed award-winning author Sean Carroll brings his extraordinary intellect…

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26,95 €
The Big Picture
Sean Carroll

The instant New York Times bestseller that went on to inspire Professor Brian Cox

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16,95 €
Something Deeply Hidden
Sean Carroll

From the Royal Society Winton Prize winner`Sean Carroll examines what it means to exist on this speck of dust in a possibly infinite universe. It's fascinating to see a real working physicist thinking these things through and trying to come to a conclusion.'-…

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23,50 €
Something Deeply Hidden Quantum Worlds and the Emergence of Spacetime
Sean Carroll

The great genius of modern physics explains why quantum theory makes perfect sense

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14,95 €
Biggest Ideas in the Universe 1
Sean Carroll

Knowledge is power... Here is a landmark series from a stellar voice in popular science. From a prize-winning scientist and communicator, a major trilogy that will introduce readers to the most interesting and cutting-edge ideas in physics.Sean Carroll…

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20,95 €

Miért a múltra emlékszünk, nem pedig a jövőre? Van-e iránya az időnek? És főleg: lehetséges-e az időutazás? - kérdi könyvében Sean Carroll, aki az idő, e megfoghatatlannak tűnő fogalom természetét kutatja. Az Most vagy mindörökké izgalmas és tanulságos…

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6,55 €