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Klasszikusok magyarul-angolul: A kincses sziget
Robert Louis Stevenson

A sorozat az ifjú nyelvtanulóknak készül: az angol nyelvű irodalom nagy, klasszikus köteteit dolgozza fel olyan formában, hogy az egyik hasábban az angol, míg mellette a magyar szöveg olvasható lerövidítve. Remek módja a szókincs fejlesztésének, miközben…

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online ár - Készleten - 1 munkanap
6,50 €
5,85 €
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Other Stories
Robert Louis Stevenson

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online ár - Készleten - 1 munkanap
3,95 €
A kincses sziget
Robert Louis Stevenson

Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) angol író már gyermekkorában regényes történetekkel szórakoztatta magát betegágyán. Később Shakespeare-t és Dumas-t követve az irodalom felé fordult. Betegsége miatt sokat utazott, így jutott el 1881-ben a svájci Davosba,…

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12,80 €
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Robert Louis Stevenson

This handsome gift edition presents Robert Louis Stevenson's classic work Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, featuring a luxurious, silver-embossed cover design, gilded page edges and patterned endpapers.Gabriel Utterson is disturbed by the behaviour Edward Hyde.…

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12,95 €
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Robert Louis Stevenson

Robert Louis Stevenson's immortal tale of personality and evil, now in a wonderful new clothbound edition'All human beings, as we meet them, are commingled out of good and evil: and Edward Hyde, alone in the ranks of mankind, was pure evil'Published…

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19,95 €
Treasure Island
Robert Louis Stevenson

Part of Penguin's beautiful hardback Clothbound Classics series, designed by the award-winning Coralie Bickford-Smith, these delectable and collectible editions are bound in high-quality colourful, tactile cloth with foil stamped into the design. The…

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21,95 €
Robert Louis Stevenson

HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics.

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3,65 €
Treasure Island and the Ebb-Tide
Robert Louis Stevenson

In "Treasure Island", a weathered old sailor known as Billy Bones arrives at the inn of young Jim Hawkins' parents and it is the start of an adventure beyond anything he could have imagined. For when Bones dies mysteriously, Jim stumbles across…

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9,95 €
Frankenstein Dracula Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Bram Stoker, Robert Louis Stevenson, Mary Shelley

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3,95 €
Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde
Robert Louis Stevenson

The classic tale by Robert Louis Stevenson retold for children ready to tackle longer and more complex stories. Something evil is loose in London. The menacing figure of Edward Hyde stalks the streets. But who is Hyde? And what is his relationship with…

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8,50 €
The Land of Nod
Robert Louis Stevenson

But every night I go abroad, Afar into the land of nod...

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15,95 €
Robert Louis Stevenson : Seven Novels
Robert Louis Stevenson

He wrote stories of chance and peril, pirates and buried gold. He told tales of good and evil, of men struggling with the darkest parts of their souls. Acclaimed Scottish writer Robert Louis Stevenson was a master whose works offer compelling insight…

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22,95 €
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Robert Louis Stevenson, Russell Punter

A sinister figure is haunting the gas-lit streets of Victorian London. Who is the mysterious Edward Hyde? And what powerful hold does he have over the respectable Henry Jekyll? Part of the Usborne Young Reading series, this spine-chilling retelling of…

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8,50 €
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Robert Louis Stevenson

But gradually he begins to find that the journey back to goodness becomes more and more difficult, and the risk that Mr Hyde will break free entirely from Dr Jekyll's control puts all of London in grave peril.

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7,95 €
Treasure Island: V&A Collectors Edition
Robert Louis Stevenson

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12,50 €
Treasure Island Clothbound edition
Robert Louis Stevenson

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16,50 €
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and other stories
Robert Louis Stevenson

An anthology which includes Robert Louis Stevenson's famous novella, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, together with three of his gothic short stories.

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12,50 €
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Robert Louis Stevenson, Tina Berning

An unabridged version of the classic gothic novella, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, now with dazzling modern illustration.

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24,95 €
Penguin Readers Level 1: Jekyll and Hyde
Robert Louis Stevenson

Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reader series for learners of English as a foreign language. With carefully adapted text, new illustrations and language learning exercises, the print edition also includes instructions to access supporting material online.…

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9,50 €
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Robert Louis Stevenson

' is not truly one, but truly two.'In this powerful deconstruction of Calvinist belief and the hypocrisy at the heart of Victorian society, Stevenson creates a gothic icon in the divided self that is Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Born from a nightmare…

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10,95 €
Treasure Island
Robert Louis Stevenson

HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics.

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3,65 €
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Robert Louis Stevenson

Dr. Henry Jekyll is well-liked and admired by his friends, but seems increasingly troubled and withdrawn from their company. Meanwhile, a mysterious and repellent character, Mr. Hyde, commits crime after crime. What hold can he have over the admirable…

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12,04 €
Strange Case Of Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde
Robert Louis Stevenson

HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics.

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3,65 €
Dr. Jekyll és Mr. Hyde különös esete - Hangoskönyv
Robert Louis Stevenson

Stevenson kisregénye a Jekyll-Hyde párost napjainkig az emberben lakozó jó és gonosz szimbólumává tette. Az 1880-as években jelent meg, 1920 és 2000 között számos film készült belőle, majd színdarabok és musical is. Nagy hatását nem csak a kissé hátborzongató…

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13,10 €
A Kincses Sziget - Hangoskönyv
Robert Louis Stevenson

Az 1700-as években, az igazi kalózvilág idején Jim, a kamasz fiú, megszerez egy térképet, mely egy távoli szigeten rejlő kalózkincshez vezet. Maga is részt vesz a kincskereső expedícióban. A hajójukra matrózként beszivárgó, a térképre és a kincsre pályázó…

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14,75 €
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - With Audio /OBW 4.
Robert Louis Stevenson

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8,20 €
The Strange Case of Dr.Jekylland and  Mr.Hyde + CD (A2)
Robert Louis Stevenson

The novella’s impact is such that it has become a part of the language. Jekyll is a famous London doctor, but something unusual is happening in his house. Who is his strange young friend? Why does Jekyll like him? And why does no-one else like him? Stevenson’s…

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8,00 €
Treasure Island + CD
Robert Louis Stevenson

Treasure Island is an adventure novel, narrating a tale of "pirates and buried gold". Treasure Island is an adventure tale known for its atmosphere, characters and action. In this Reader you will find: Focus on... | difficult words | Comprehension activities…

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6,70 €
Dr. Jekyll és Mr. Hyde - Helikon Zsebkönyvek 57.
Robert Louis Stevenson

...Önnek is tudnia kell, hogy volt valami bizarr abban az úriemberben, valami... amitől megborzongott az ember, nem tudom máshogy megfogalmazni, uram: olyan volt, mintha egy jéghideg kéz markolná meg a gerincemet.

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3,30 €

Szálljunk fel az ifjú hajósinas, Jim Hawkins társaságában a Hispaniola kétárbocosára, s kísérjuk el a kincses szigetre! Hősünk marcona matrózok társaságában kalandos útra indul, hogy megkeresse Flint kapitány elásott kincsét. Csakhogy a veszély is útitársunk…

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4,25 €