Szerző Phil Collins
Phil Collins gained fame as both the drummer and lead singer for Genesis and continues to enjoy worldwide success today. He’s one of only three recording artists who have sold over 100 million albums both as solo artists and separately as principal members…
As one of only three musicians to sell over 100 million records both in a group and as a solo artist, Collins breathes rare air. This book tells Phil Collins' candid, witty, unvarnished story of the songs and shows, the hits and pans, his marriages and…
Rajongó vagy? Netán csak egyszerű érdeklődő, aki kíváncsi arra az idegesítő fazonra, aki harminc éven át folyton felbukkant a slágerlistán? Isten hozott mindenkit! A Mindhalálig Phil Collins őszinte, szellemes, kendőzetlen története dalokról, koncertekről,…