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A masterful history of how war and insecurity, both real and perceived, have driven Russia’s destiny for centuries, including the disastrous invasion of Ukraine. Putin retains his stranglehold on his position in Russia despite an almost ruinous invasion…
Yevgeny Prigozhin emerged as one of the most dangerous warlords in the world and as one of Vladimir Putin's chief rivals in Russia's tumultuous political climate, exiled after leading Wagner's attempted coup and killed in a mysterious plane crash. But…
An engaging guide to the various ways in which war is now waged-and how to adapt to this new reality "This brisk everyman's guide-straight-talking and free of jargon-is a useful tasting menu to a fast moving, constantly evolving set of problems.…
Jeden z předních světových odborníků na současné Rusko přináší v knize Putinovy války aktuální přehled konfliktů, které Rusko rozpoutalo po nástupu Vladimíra Putina k moci – od první a druhé čečenské války přes vojenský vpád do Gruzie a anexi Krymu až…
A The Times best book of 2019'In fewer than 150 pithy pages, Galeotti sketches a bleak, but convincing picture of the man in the Kremlin and the political system that he dominates' - The TimesMeet the world's most dangerous man.
An engaging guide to the various ways in which war is now waged-and how to adapt to this new reality "This brisk everyman's guide-straight-talking and free of jargon-is a useful tasting menu to a fast moving, constantly evolving set of problems…
'The prolific military chronicler and analyst Mark Galeotti has produced exactly the right book at the right time.' - The TimesA new history of how Putin and his conflicts have inexorably reshaped Russia, including his devastating invasion of Ukraine.…
Can anyone truly understand Russia? Russia is a country with no natural borders, no single ethos, no true central identity. At the crossroads of Europe and Asia, it is everyone's 'other'. And yet it is one of the most powerful nations on earth, a master…
O Vladimiru Putinovi už vyšly desítky knih. A většina z nich stále opakuje stejné omyly, klišé a mýty, tvrdí britský profesor Mark Galeotti, přední odborník na současné Rusko. V jedenácti kapitolách rozebírá sarkasticky a poutavě jeden zažitý omyl po…
Can anyone truly understand Russia? Let one of the world's leading experts show you how, using the fascinating history of a nation to illuminate its future. Russia is a country with no natural borders, no single ethnos, no true central identity. At the…
Vory v zákoně neboli zloději podle zákona, pojmenování, pod nímž je také známá ruská mafie, se zrodili na počátku 20. století převážně v trestaneckých táborech a gulazích. V nich si vytvořili svou specifickou kulturu, ať už šlo o charakteristické tetování,…