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Hogyan állhatsz ellen a manipulációnak? Sunday Times Bestseller „Lebilincselő munka arról, hogy hogyan működik manipuláció.” – Literary Review „Alapmű, ha szkeptikus akarsz maradni.” – Lionel Shriver, a Beszélnünk kell Kevinről szerzője Ismerd fel, hogyan…
The Instant Sunday Times Bestseller Learn how to recognise and resist the daily attempts to control and manipulate your mind. There is a war on for your mind. You may not notice, but you are surrounded by manipulators: advertisers, politicians, big tech,…
Learn how to recognise and resist the daily attempts to control and manipulate your mind. There is a war on for your mind. You may not notice, but you are surrounded by manipulators: advertisers, politicians, big tech, even the humble waiter who asks,…