Szerző Julian Barnes

Elizabeth Finchová
Julian Barnes

Jak už jsme u Juliana Barnese zvyklí, v jeho textech se elegantně propojuje román a esej. V tomto prozaickém díle jde o přátelský vztah mezi neúspěšným hercem a starší učitelkou Elizabeth Finchovou, která mu po své smrti zanechá knihovnu i poněkud záhadné…

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19,74 €
Elizabeth Finch
Julian Barnes

The Sunday Times Bestseller from the Winner of the Booker PrizeShe will change the way you see the world . . .'I'll remember Elizabeth Finch when most other characters I've met this year have faded' The TimesElizabeth Finch was a teacher, a thinker,…

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13,95 €
Nothing to be Frightened
Julian Barnes

'I don't believe in God, but I miss Him'. Julian Barnes' new book is, among many things, a family memoir, an exchange with his brother (a philosopher), a meditation on mortality and the fear of death, a celebration of art, an argument with and about…

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8,95 €
Julian Barnes

The stories in Julian Barnes' long-awaited third collection are attuned to rhythms and currents: of the body, of love and sex, illness and death, connections and conversations.

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9,99 €
Through the Window
Julian Barnes

From the deceptiveness of Penelope Fitzgerald to the directness of Hemingway, from Kipling's view of France to the French view of Kipling, from the National Treasure Status of George Orwell to the despair of Michel Houellebecq, the author considers what…

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14,50 €
A History Of The World In 10 1/2 Chapters
Julian Barnes

Winner of the Man Booker Prize for Fiction 2011. Beginning with an unlikely stowaway's account of life on board Noah's Ark, A History of the World in 10 Chapters presents a surprising and subversive fictional-history of earth told from several kaleidoscopic…

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8,95 €
The Sense of an Ending Film Tie-in
Julian Barnes

Now a major film starring Academy Award nominees Jim Broadbent (Iris) and Charlotte Rampling (45 Years)Winner of the Man Booker Prize for Fiction in 2011 Tony Webster and his clique first met Adrian Finn at school.

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13,95 €
Julian Barnes

When it comes to death, is there ever a best case scenario? In this book, the author confronts our unending obsession with the end. It reflects on what it means to miss God, whether death can be good for our careers and why we eventually turn into our…

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5,50 €
History Of The World In 10 1/2 Chapters
Julian Barnes

Winner of the Man Booker Prize for Fiction 2011Beginning with an unlikely stowaway's account of life on board Noah's Ark, A History of the World in 101/2 Chapters presents a surprising and subversive fictional-history of earth told from several kaleidosco

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14,95 €
The Man in the Red Coat
Julian Barnes

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13,95 €
Historie světa v deseti a půl kapitolách
Julian Barnes

Kniha Historie světa v deseti a půl kapitolách, která začíná vyprávěním nepravděpodobného černého pasažéra o životě na palubě Noemovy archy, představuje překvapivé, podvratné a fiktivní dějiny Země vyprávěné z několika různorodých perspektiv připomínajících…

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21,94 €
The Only Story
Julian Barnes

Would you rather love the more, and suffer the more; or love the less, and suffer the less? That is, I think, finally, the only real question. First love has lifelong consequences, but Paul doesn't know anything about that at nineteen. At nineteen, he's…

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15,89 €
The Only Story
Julian Barnes

**THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER** Would you rather love the more, and suffer the more; or love the less, and suffer the less? That is, I think, finally, the only real question. First love has lifelong consequences, but Paul doesn't know anything about…

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12,95 €
Levels of Life
Julian Barnes

ou put together two things that have not been put together before. And the world is changed… In Levels of Life Julian Barnes gives us Nadar, the pioneer balloonist and aerial photographer; he gives us Colonel Fred Burnaby, reluctant adorer of the extravagant…

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16,45 €
The Sense of an Ending
Julian Barnes

This title is winner of the Man Booker Prize for Fiction in 2011. Tony Webster and his clique first met Adrian Finn at school. Sex-hungry and book-hungry, they would navigate the girl-less sixth form together, trading in affectations, in-jokes, rumour…

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13,14 €
Elizabeth Finch
Julian Barnes

We invite you to take her course in Culture and Civilisation. She will change the way you see the world. 'The task of the present is to correct our understanding of the past. And that task becomes the more urgent when the past cannot be corrected.' Elizabeth…

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27,44 €

Tony Webster mindig is óvatosan élt, ám egy ügyvédi levél váratlanul felkavarja az elvált, magányos férfi nyugdíjas hétköznapjait. Kiderül, hogy örökölt, és hagyatéka nem más, mint Adrian Finn, a mindig is különcnek tartott fiatalkori barát naplója.…

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9,15 €

A multimilliárdos Sir Jack Pitman – akinek már mindene megvan az égvilágon – élete betetőzéseként egy egész ország tulajdonosa akar lenni. E célra kiszemel egy szigetet, ahová Angliát óhajtja áttelepíteni kicsiben: a Buckingham-palotát, az emeletes buszokat,…

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1,00 €
Flaubert papagája

Geoffrey Braithwaite érdeklődésének középpontjába két papagáj kerül: mindkettőről az a hír járja, hogy Gustave Flaubert íróasztalán állt. Miközben a Bovaryné és az Érzelmek iskolája világhírű szerzőjének életrajzírója Nagy-Britannia és Franciaország…

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11,10 €
Pohlédnout do slunce
Julian Barnes

Co začíná jako román o mladé dívce vyrůstající na anglickém venkově během druhé světové války, se proměňuje v příběh úchvatného a rozmanitého života. Neobvyklá a sympatická hrdinka Jean se provdá a po dvaceti letech opustí svého manžela krátce předtím,…

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11,59 €