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A brilliant new novelty gift book based on Judith Kerr’s much-loved story, Mog the Forgetful Cat! Featuring magical scenes from the original story, children will love reading this special book while putting the six 12-piece jigsaw puzzles together! Read…
Zvonek zazvonil právě ve chvíli, kdy se Sofie s maminkou chystaly k odpolednímu čaji. K jejich velkému překvapení se za dveřmi objeví skutečný tygr! Nečekaného návštěvníka pozvou dál a nabídnou mu, aby s nimi posvačil. Jenže hladový tygr brzy spořádá…
A lavishly illustrated retrospective in celebration of 100 years since Judith Kerr's birth, author of The Tiger Who Came to Tea and many other iconic books. Judith Kerr was one of the best-loved authors and illustrators to ever put pencil to paper. The…
Partly autobiographical, this is the third title in Judith Kerr's internationally acclaimed trilogy of books following the life of Anna through war-torn Germany, to London during the Blitz and her return to Berlin to discover the past... Berlin is where…
An exciting luxury pop-up edition of Judith Kerr's classic children's book, The Tiger Who Came to Tea. The perfect gift for children aged 3 and up.
Share in fifty years of a really remarkable cat... Everyone's favourite family cat first appeared fifty years ago, and is still loved by children everywhere! Her first classic adventure is now available in this very special anniversary edition cased…
The laugh-out-loud story of a boy who needs a new bike for Christmas, the rabbit who might help him get it, and a lot of bad luck... From the one and only Judith Kerr, creator of The Tiger Who Came to Tea and Mog the Forgetful Cat! It all started with…
Představte si, že ve vaší rodné zemi se začíná všechno měnit. Pro některé lidi jsou tyhle změny smrtelně nebezpečné. A mezi ně patří i váš táta. Přesně tohle zažívá v roce 1933 malá Anna. Dosud měla běžné starosti školačky, ani si moc nevšímala plakátů…
Share in fifty years of a really remarkable cat... A special birthday story to celebrate fifty years of MOG, everyone's favourite family cat! It's Mog's Birthday and everyone is excited to celebrate! Everyone except Mog. Mog doesn't like birthdays or…