Szerző Jo Marchant
A journey through the history of science and man's relationship with the night sky and the cosmos beyond, from the author of Wellcome Prize-longlisted Cure. It is time for us to rediscover the full potential of the universe we inhabit, its wonder, its…
For most of human history, we have had a close relationship with the stars. Once they shaped our religious beliefs, power structures, scientific advances and even our biology. But over the last few centuries we have separated ourselves from the universe…
16 revealing stories about the human brain. Ever wondered how Scandinavians cope with 24-hour darkness, why we feel pain - or whether smartphones really make children stupid? Have you heard about the US army's research into supercharging minds? You need…
Megtanítható-e az agyunk arra, hogy a szervezetünket meggyógyítsa? Milyen mértékben befolyásolják gondolataink, érzelmeink és hitünk a fizikai egészségünket? Az alternatív orvoslás művelőinek állításai hamisak, vagy léteznek eredményes módszerek is?…