Szerző Philip Matyszak, Joanne Berry

A History of Ancient Rome in 100 Lives
Philip Matyszak, Joanne Berry

Discover the lives of the ancient Romans, pieced together from inscriptions, discarded letters, biographies and myth over two thousand years of history. The Roman empire witnessed a huge diversity of human experience over its history. At its pinnacle,…

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17,95 €
Caspar Lee
Jo Berry

Caspar Lee is a social media sensation. As part of the YouTubing elite, Caspar has risen to the top of online fame and he shares his world with millions of viewers every day. This book will be the ultimate fan guide, full of his original brand of comedy…

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11,95 €
Lilly Singh The Unofficial Superwoman Guide
Jo Berry

The ULTIMATE unofficial companion to the YouTube superwoman sensation, Lilly Singh.

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12,95 €
Experience France 1
Lonely Planet, Alexis Averbuck, Andrew Bain, Sarah Baxter, Sarah Bennett, Oliver Berry, Joe Bindloss, Paul Bloomfeild, Paul Bloomfield, Kerry Christiani

Inside Lonely Planet's Experience France you'll travel through vibrant cities, rural villages, majestic mountains and swanky chateaux, discovering the secrets to French style, embarking on your own study of wines and cheeses and immersing yourself in…

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24,95 €
Great Britains Best Trips
Lonely Planet, Isabel Albiston, Oliver Berry, Joe Bindloss, Fionn Davenport, Belinda Dixon, Peter Dragicevich, Anthony Ham, Damian Harper, Anna Kaminski

Discover the freedom of the open road with Lonely Planet's Great Britain's Best Trips. This trusted travel companion features 36 amazing road trips, from 3-day escapes to 3-week adventures. Wind through majestic Welsh mountains, visit quaint English…

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20,95 €
Best Of Canada 2
Lonely Planet, Brendan Sainsbury, Ray Bartlett, Oliver Berry, Gregor Clark, Shawn Duthie, Steve Fallon, Anna Kaminski, Adam Karlin, John Lee

Lonely Planet's Best of Canada is your most up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Experience the grandeur of the Rockies, wander the lanes in Quebec City, and hit the slopes on the outskirts of Vancouver -…

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22,50 €
Jo Berry

2006-ban kevésen múlt, hogy Katy Perry összecsomagoljon és hagyja az egészet a csudába - Hollywood majdnem kifogott rajta. Két albummal később azonban gyakorlatilag ő lett a város királynője. A csodálatos énekesnőt izgalmas sikerszáma, az I Kissed a…

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0,95 €
Životy Římanů - Živý a bohatě ilustrovaný portrét ztraceného světa
Philip Matyszak , Joanne Berryová

Životy Římanů odkrývají nejmocnější civilizaci starověku očima jejích občanů. Tato kniha, jak ještě žádná předchozí, dává slovo nejenom nejznámějším generálům a vládcům Říma, jako byli Sulla, Caesar, Augustus či Caligula, ale též jeho stavitelům, sochařům,…

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35,20 €