Szerző John and Liz Soars
The world´s most trusted English course! New Headway is the course teachers and learners can rely on. Why? An authoritative integrated syllabus, motivating topics, and clearly focused tasks combine with a real understanding of what works in the classroom.…
The Upper-Intermediate level has been brought right up-to-date, with new topics, new features, and a revised syllabus which all aid real progress.
Clear focus on grammar Balanced, integrated-skills syllabus Real-world speaking skills - Everyday English, Spoken English, Music of English 12-unit syllabus with 12 complete writing lessons Digital resources for interactive whiteboards - New Headway…
The world's best-selling adult English course - a perfectly-balanced syllabus, strong grammar focus, and full support for your pre-intermediate class.
New Headway, Fourth edition Elementary, táto učebnica New Headway štvrtá edícia. Učebnica je určená pre študentov anglického jazyka na stredných školách a jazykových kurzoch kurzoch. Obsahuje nové texty, témy, design a intergrované zručnosti z anglického…
General English for adults Fourth Edition A completely new Pre-intermediate level of the world`s most trusted English course, with brand new digital resources bringing you a completely up-to-date blended Headway course. With fully revised texts and topics,…
A fully revised and updated edition which challenges students to make real progress at intermediate level. With language input and skills development, students have a complete syllabus with grammar at its core. And throughout the book, Music of English…
A new Beginner edition from the worlds best-selling English course - a perfectly-balanced syllabus and lots of support for beginner students
A new Beginner edition from the worlds best-selling English course - a perfectly-balanced syllabus and lots of support for beginner students
Úspešný súbor učebníc Headway, ktorý obsahuje 5 stupňov. Nový kurz je písaný na základe najnovších poznatkov zistených pri vyučovaní angličtiny s motivovaním pre dospelých žiakov, ale aj mladých študentov. New Headway Pre-Intermediate je určená pre mierne…
The world´s most trusted English course! New Headway is the course teachers and learners can rely on. Why? An authoritative integrated syllabus, motivating topics, and clearly focused tasks combine with a real understanding of what works in the classroom.…
New Headway English Course is a development of the highly successful multi-level Headway series. The original coursebooks have been rewritten to include new features, activities, and, above all, new material to make the learning of English stimulating…
New headway English course is a development of the highly succesful multi-level Headway series. The original coursebooks have been rewritten to include new features, activities, and, above all, new material to make the learning of English stimulating…
Slovník k učebniciam Headway z vydavateľstva Oxford University Press. V slovníku je spracovaná slovná zásoba ku knihám úrovne elementary a pre-intermediate. Slovník je zoradený podľa jednotlivých lekcií.
New Headway Upper-Int.Student´s Book SK+iTutor: Učebnica anglického jazyka New Headway Upper-Intermediate, Fourth edition (štvrté vydanie). Priložený iTutor DVD-ROM obsahuje základný materiál z každej lekcie s novými domácimi cvičeniami, audionahrávky…
The world’s best-selling adult English course – a perfectly-balanced syllabus with a strong grammar focus, and full support at all six levels. - s anglicko-slovenským slovníkom - s prípravou na maturitnú skúšku
New Headway is the course teachers and learners can rely on. Why? An authoritative integrated syllabus, motivating topics, and clearly focused tasks, combine with a real understanding of what works in the classroom. It all makes for effective teaching…
The first ever 4th edition from the world`s most trusted course - New Headway Intermediate, completely rewritten and packed with new material. Key features * 100% new grammar presentations.* 100% new listening material.* 100% new reading texts.* `Spoken…
A completely new Elementary edition from the worlds best-selling adult English course, with new digital resources for 2011. The Fourth edition brings you fully revised and updated texts, topics, and artwork, and the 2011 resources make it the most digital-friendly…
Audio CD je určeno pro použití ve třídě a váže se ke Student´s Book. Přepisy najdete v Teacher´s Book.
New Headway Elementary keeps to the successful framework of the original edition, but has been transformed by fresh new material throughout, a more accessible feel, and a completely new design. The majority of the reading and listening texts have been…
General English for adults Fourth Edition A completely new Pre-intermediate level of the worlds most trusted English course, with brand new digital resources bringing you a completely up-to-date blended Headway course. With fully revised texts and topics,…
Level: B1+ Intermediate Description: The worlds best-selling adult English course - a perfectly-balanced syllabus, strong grammar focus, and full support at all six levels. A fully revised and updated edition which challenges students to make real progress…
The world`s best-selling adult English course - a perfectly-balanced syllabus, strong grammar focus, and full support at all six levels. A fully revised and updated edition which challenges students to make real progress at intermediate level. With language…
The world’s best-selling adult English course – a perfectly-balanced syllabus with a strong grammar focus, and full support at all six levels.
General English for adults Fourth Edition A completely new Pre-intermediate level of the worlds most trusted English course, with brand new digital resources bringing you a completely up-to-date blended Headway course. With fully revised texts and topics,…
90% new, with refreshed content and new features.
The third edition of the best-selling course, maintaining the successful core content but updated and refreshed. Language levels: Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper Intermediate Key features •Streamlined units, now at eight pages.…