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THE FOLLOW UP TO THE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER THE AGE OF AIThree pioneering thinkers offer a powerful guide to our future amid AI's rapid acceleration.Artificial intelligence is advancing at an alarming rate. Our responses to them could transform the…
Nové technologie přináší spoustu možností, ale i spoustu rizik. Rozvíjejí současný svět a celé lidstvo se díky nim žene kupředu nebývalou rychlostí. Jak mění nové technologie chování lidí a národů? Na to se pokouší odpovědět tato celosvětově úspěšná…
The must-read book for anyone concerned about the present and the future
The team behind How Google Works returns with management lessons from legendary coach and business executive, Bill Campbell, whose mentoring of some of our most successful modern entrepreneurs has helped create well over a trillion dollars in market…
The team behind How Google Works returns with management lessons from legendary coach and business executive, Bill Campbell, whose mentoring of some of our most successful modern entrepreneurs has helped create well over a trillion dollars in market…
A Wall Street Journal Bestseller 'IT SHOULD BE READ BY ANYONE TRYING TO MAKE SENSE OF GEOPOLITICS TODAY' FINANCIAL TIMES Three of our most accomplished and deep thinkers come together to explore Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the way it is transforming…
An A.I. that learned to play chess discovered moves that no human champion would have conceived of. Driverless cars edge forward at red lights, just like impatient humans, and so far, nobody can explain why it happens. Artificial intelligence is being…
Both Eric Schmidt and Jonathan Rosenberg came to Google as seasoned Silicon Valley business executives, but over the course of a decade they came to see the wisdom in Coach John Woodens observation that its what you learn after you know it all that counts.…
#1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller New York Times Bestseller USA Today Bestseller Bill Campbell olyan prominens nagyvállalatok növekedésében vállalt szerepet, mint a Google, az Apple és az Intuit. Szoros kapcsolatot ápolt a Szilícium-völgy legkreatívabb…