Szerző David Crystal
In this ingenious and diverse collection of 366 stories, events and facts about language, David Crystal presents a selection of insights from literary and linguistic writers, poets and global institutions, together with the weird and wonderful creations…
Now in paperback, in the tradition of E. H. Gombrich's A Little History of the World, a lively journey through the story of language With a language disappearing every two weeks and neologisms springing up almost daily, an understanding of the origins…
This is the definitive survey of the English language - in all its forms. Crystal writes accessibly about the structure of the language, the uses of English throughout the world and finally he gives a brief history of English. The book has been fully…
David Crystal könyve az angolszász ismeretterjesztés legjobb hagyományait követve, olvasmányos és magas színvonalú összefoglalását adja mindannak, amit napjainkban a nyelvről tudni lehet. A hagyományosan nyelvészetinek tekintett témák mellett (grammatika,…