Szerző Cornelia Funke
Return to the world of INKHEART . . .After five happy years, Meggie, her father Mo and the fire-eater Dustfinger, along with a host of new friends, feel safe and settled. But arch-villain Orpheus has found an unexpected way to wreak his revenge on the…
Befriended by a gang of streetchildren and their mysterious leader, the Thief Lord, theyshelter in an old, disused cinema. But a greater threat to the boys'new-found freedom is something from a forgotten past - a beautifulmagical t
Fans of dark fairy-tales like The Hazel Woodand The Cruel Princewill relish this atmospheric and absorbing book based on Guillermo del Toros critically acclaimed movie. Oscar winning writer-director Guillermo del Toro and New York Timesbestselling author…
Jacob has uncovered the doorway to another world, hidden behind a mirror. It is a place of dark magic and enchanted objects, scheming dwarves and fearsome ogres, fairies born from water and men born from stone. Here, he hunts for treasure and seeks adventure…
Jacob has saved his brother from the Mirrorworld, but now he will pay a terrible price. A fairy's curse is burning in his heart, and to break the spell he must embark upon a perilous journey - with his trusty friend Fox by his side - to seek out the…
The fourth adventure in the enchanted Mirrorworld leads to the Far East, where Jacob and Fox finally track down Will, who is travelling with a one of Jacob's worst enemies. Putting his feelings aside, Jacob agrees to travel with them to the beautiful…
The third book in Cornelia Funke's internationally bestselling Reckless seriesAfter a perilous encounter with an Alder Elf, Jacob must journey into the enchanted Mirrorworld once again. Together with Fox, his beautiful shapeshifting friend, Jacob has…
The third and final book in Cornelia Funke's internationally celebrated trilogy - magical, thrilling and mesmerising. 'I don't think I've ever read anything that conveys so well the joys, terrors and pitfalls of reading' Diana Wynne Jones on Inkheart…
A gorgeous new edition of the first book in Cornelia Funke's internationally celebrated trilogy - magical, thrilling and mesmerising. 'I don't think I've ever read anything that conveys so well the joys, terrors and pitfalls of reading.' Diana Wynne…
The second book in Cornelia Funke's internationally celebrated trilogy - magical, thrilling and mesmerising. 'I don't think I've ever read anything that conveys so well the joys, terrors and pitfalls of reading' Diana Wynne Jones Although a year has…
Meggie valósággal rajong a könyvekért. Apja, Mortimer Folchart, a könyvkötő ugyncsak szereti a remek történeteket, bár hangosan nem hajlandó felolvasni semmit. Csendesen élik mindennapi életüket, amíg egy esős éjjelen különös idegen kopogtat az ajtójukon.…
Bárcsak felnőtt lennék, és magam dönthetnék a sorsomról! Mily sok gyerek álmodozik erről, és mily sok felnőtt feledkezik meg arról, hogy valójában milyen is volt gyereknek lenni, ő maga miről álmodozott, hogyan szeretett volna élni annak idején. Elhagyatott…
A kísértetvadászok, Lebbencs Hedvig, Tomi és Hugó újabb megbízást kapnak. Ezúttal Fontos Ferenc szállodaigazgató úr kéri a segítségüket. A Tenger Gyöngyei Szállodában furcsa dolgok történnek. A csapokból forró víz lövell ki, a légkondicionáló is összevissza…
A Sárkányok Völgyét elháríthatatlan veszély fenyegeti: az emberek el akarják űzni az ott élő békés sárkányokat. A sárkányok ifjú, jószívű, békés és humánus vezérének el kell jutnia az Ég Peremére (a világ végére, a Himalájába), ahol testvéreivel új hazára…