Szerző Christopher Cantwell

Star Wars: Obi-van - Egy Jedi sorsa (képregény)
Christopher Cantwell

KÖZELEG A LEGKIVÁLÓBB JEDI-MESTER VÉGZETE Obi-van Kenobi a Tatuin távoli sivatagában tölti utolsó napjait, és számot vet hosszú és kihívásokkal teli életének legfontosabb pillanataival. Remetekunyhójában leperegnek előtte a hajdanvolt események, melyeket…

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22,90 €
Iron Man 1
Christopher Cantwell

Tony Stark is looking to restart his engine. He's going back to basics, putting away his high-tech toys and high-profile image so he can get his hands dirty again. It's time to put on some old-fashioned metal - and fly! But can Tony really lay that Stark-sized…

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Iron Man 2
Christopher Cantwell

After receiving a near-fatal injury from Korvac, Tony Stark lands in emergency triage with his life on the line. If he takes off his armor, he will die! With Hellcat on the psychological ropes and Tony's other allies recuperating from their own near-death…

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