Szerző Catherine Ingram, Andrew Rae
Andy Warhol, the iconic Pop artist, presented himself as the vacuous, dumb kid, famously saying, 'If you want to know all about Andy Warhol, just look at the surface of my paintingsand there I am. There's nothing behind it.' This book penetrates the…
In the history of twentieth century modernism, Henri Matisse is a calm and unstoppable revolution of creative genius. Trained originally in the French classical manner, he was inspired by the Impressionists and Cézanne to create in a style that brought…
Journey through art history with Andy Warhol, spotting famous people and artworks as you go
Arnold's Incredible Art Museum is open for business! Come along as he leads his friends on a trip through his imaginary museum, showing off his exhibits. Join Gertrude, George, Dot and the rest as they spend a day with Arnold in his museum. He has it…
Nic dalšího v nich není. Tato kniha proniká pod povrch a objevuje Warholovo umění od začátků, kdy pracoval jako reklamní umělec až po vrchol jeho kariéry, kdy byl známým portrétistou. Živé ilustrace odhalují svět jeho v dětství v Pittsburghu, jeho chaotické…