Keresési eredmények
Kniha 1000 x European Architecture predstavuje 1 000 skvostov súčasnej európskej architektúry. Neobsahuje teoretickú reflexiu, ale len fotografie spolu s pôdorysmi 1 000 európskych stavieb s krátkou charakteristikou a zaradením. Rozdiely a podobnosti…
This volume is part of the successful book series "Collection of Architecture", an unparalleled resource that presents 1000 outstanding and creative projects from 1000 acclaimed and emerging architects revamping the architectural legacies of…
The climatic development over the past years and the predicted climate change worldwide give us reason to launch a new series, which will deal with architecture in extreme environment as well as with extreme architecture in general. Special requirements,…
At trade fairs companies compete for attention of the visitors; ideally corporate identity and corporate design needs to be linked together. The build-up of an enterprise in miniature, which always consists of dealing with limited space and budget, is…
The climatic development over the past years and the predicted climate change worldwide give us reason to launch this new series, which will deal with architecture in extreme environment as well as with extreme architecture in general. Special requirements,…
Spa and wellness locations are place for relaxation and enjoyment with all senses. Individual styles reaching from traditional forms inspired by different kinds of bath cultures to impressive luxury wellness temples show the variety of spa interiors.…