Idegennyelvű könyvek
A sorozat az ifjú nyelvtanulóknak készül: az angol nyelvű irodalom nagy, klasszikus köteteit dolgozza fel olyan formában, hogy az egyik hasábban az angol, míg mellette a magyar szöveg olvasható lerövidítve. Remek módja a szókincs fejlesztésének, miközben…
A sorozat az ifjú nyelvtanulóknak készül: az angol nyelvű irodalom nagy, klasszikus köteteit dolgozza fel olyan formában, hogy az egyik hasábban az angol, míg mellette a magyar szöveg olvasható lerövidítve. Remek módja a szókincs fejlesztésének, miközben…
Jean Valjean a convict who has spent 19 years in prison arrives in Digne where he is met by Bishop Myriel. During the night he steals some silverware and escapes. He is caught by the police and taken back to the bishop who says the stolen items were…
Pracovný zošit anglického jazyka pre 3. ročník základných škôl, ktorého obsah je prepojený s učebnicou a spoločne tak uľahčujú učenie a zapamätanie žiakov. Obsahovo nadväzuje na pracovné učebnice MATT the BAT 1 a 2. Ústrednou postavou je veselý a hravý…
One day, in India, nine-year old Mary wakes up and finds that she is completely alone. Back home in England, she is sent to live with an uncle she has never met. His house is a strange, lonely place where she will gradually discover secret after secret…
David Copperfield looks back on the first twenty-five years of his life. He is only eight years old when his mother, a young pretty widow remarries. Unfortunately, Mr Murdstone is not a good husband or father. David is sent away to school and only returns…
Paris, 1880: a legendary figure haunts the famous Opera House. There are all sorts of rumours about the Phantom of the Opera, a sinister figure whose face remains hidden behind a grotesque mask... Themes covered: mystery; feelings; fantasy.
The classic tale of 18 year old d'Artagnan who travels to Paris to become a Musketeer. Topics covered: adventure; history; love.
“Does a boy get a chance to whitewash a fence every day?” In this Reader you will find: Information about Mark Twain’s life | A section focusing on Schools in Tom Sawyer’s Day | CLIL Geography: The Mississippi River | Glossary of difficult words | Comprehension…
„I know that if people ask me something I have to answer them nicely, because if I don’t, then they’ll say. “Answer nicely when you’re asked!”
The classic story of a young girl who falls into a hole, eats and drinks poison and grows bigger and smaller. The Multi-ROM CD that accompanies the Young ELI Readers adds a new, digital dimension to reading in class with an interactive whiteboard (IWB),…
One of the most widely-read books worldwide. Moby Dick is the saga of Captain Ahab and his continuous pursuit of Moby Dick, the great white whale who maimed him during their last encounter. Ismael, a young sailor, tells this classic American tale of…
Three humorous short tales from one of the great classics of Italian literature. Themes: Society, Daily life "Frate Cipolla e la penna dell'Arcangelo Gabriele" - A dishonest monk lies to the people, convincing them that a parrot's feather is actually…
Mikor Mr. Hiram B. Otis, az amerikai nagykövet megvásárolta a canterville-i kastélyt, mindenki azt mondta, hogy bolondot cselekszik, hiszen köztudomású, hogy ezen a helyen kísértet jár. Maga Lord Canterville is, aki rendkívül kényes volt becsületére,…
"When Danny first went to nursery school he was really happy that he was going to nursery school, he just wasn1t too happy about having to stay there." Because that's how it goes: people are happy, and then they aren't. And it's just the same if the…
Edmond Dantes arrives at the port of Marseille after a long voyageP>at sea. He has every reason to be happy: he is going to marry the beautiful Mercedes and be named captain of the ship Le Pharaon. But a horrible plot will compromise this beautiful future:…
Augustin Meaulnes has been missing from his boarding school for a few days. When he returns he has changed. He tells his friend François about the strange adventure he has had. By chance he finds an abandoned manor house in the woods where he attends…
Argan, wealthy bourgeois, is a hypocondriac: he only talks about his illness and the numerous treatments given by his doctor. His daughter Angélique is in love with a young man, Cléante, but Argan wants to marry her with a young doctor. The maid and…
A novel of gripping suspense and an informative work about the world at the end of the 19th century. Phileas Fogg, a prominent member of the Reform Club bets 20,000 pounds with the members of his club that he will manage to carry out a tour of the world…
Who wants to go on a trip to London? You? Then join us on our A-Z journey through this ancient and modern city. It's a city which is full of surprises and there's always something to see and do in this exciting capital. If you like art or nature, sport…
A PONS krimisorozatának új tagja, az A Recipe for Murder 13 lebilincselően izgalmas, angol nyelvű bűnügyi történeten keresztül, olvasással tanítja a kezdő (A1) és újrakezdő (A2) szintű nyelvtanulókat, melyhez gyakorlásként az összes krimi anyanyelvű…
Adaptation of this classic for learners od Spanish. Themes covered: Adventures, madness, love, magic, humour and moreeeLevel B2
Adaptation of this classic title for learners of Spanish.Includes documents about the author, activities and comprehension exercises, a test and a CD with the story recorded.
Trisztán és Izolda legendája egy középkori romantikus tragédia, a lovagi irodalom egyik leghíresebb alkotása. Számos változata ismert, de mindegyik középpontjában Trisztán cornwalli lovag és Izolda ír hercegnő tiltott szerelme áll. A mű első, XII. századi…
This is the story of White Fang, a wild wolf who falls into the hands of men. They use White Fang’s strength and are cruel to him so that he becomes fierce and dangerous. But through Scott, a different type of man, White Fang learns that between animals…
Sarastro, ruler of the Sun kingdom has kidnapped the daughter of the Night King. The Queen of the Night gives Tamino the task of rescuing her. Tamino falls in love with the princess and sets out on his quest with his friend Papageno. They must overcome…
Gregor Samsa awakens one morning to find himself transformed into a giant beetle. Trapped inside this hideous form, his mind remains unchanged - until he sees the shocked reaction of those around him and begins to question the basis of human love and,…
The world renowned story of Heidi, a young girl who lives with her grandfather in the beautiful Swiss Alps but who is later sent away to the city. Although she misses her mountain-top home, while away Heidi learns a great deal about the world. But it's…
This novel tells the story of a family of fishermen and of all the other residents in the small village of Aci Trezza, in Sicily. They are unified in their culture and way of thinking, however they are different in their interests. Through false freindships,…
In 1828 a strange young man, hardly able to speak and barely able to walk appeared in Nuremberg carrying a letter in his hand. Who was he? Anselm von Feuerbach got to know Kasper and tells his story.