Az Easy Reading-sorozat kötetei a korai nyelvtanulásban segítik a gyerekeket és szüleiket. A kötetekben a gyerekekhez közelálló témákat válogattuk össze, hogy hatékonyan segíthessük az angolul tanuló gyerekek tanulmányait. A harmadik szint olvasmányai…
Az Easy Reading-sorozat kötetei a korai nyelvtanulásban segítik a gyerekeket és szüleiket. A kötetekben a gyerekekhez közelálló témákat válogattuk össze, hogy hatékonyan segíthessük az angolul tanuló gyerekek tanulmányait. Az első szint olvasmányai azoknak…
When a shady-looking, hatted figure steals past her at the Lion Park, ten-year-old Robin knows something's not right and decides to find out what's going on. After following the strange figure through the roots of a ginkgo tree, she…
Once upon a time, humans and magical creatures all lived together in peace. Unicorns acted as kings advisers and children were friends with dragons. But it all changed when humans started to pay real fortunes to get hold of those magical creatures, and…
Summer means only one thing: camp with friends! But this year is different for Olivia: she has broken her ankle and she cant play with her friends. And they seem to be having so much fun! Have they all forgotten about her? Olivia isnt alone, though,…
Rob the Hedgehog has a brother now, but hes not that happy about it. His parents only seem to care about the little one. What about Rob? Luckily, he has really good friends who will help him overcome his jealousy. Changes are always difficult to adjust…
A chilles the Snail is a super smart student, so when he fails an exam, nothing is the same anymore. All of a sudden, everything turns to grey. But how do you let go of negativity? Sometimes things dont go the way we planned. We cant change that, but…
Do you know jungle animals? This book with rounded tabs will teach them to little children in an easy and amusing way.
How many dinosaurs do you know? This book with rounded tabs will teach them to little children in an easy and amusing way.
Do you know farm animals? This book with rounded tabs will teach them to little children in an easy and amusing way.
Do you know sea animals? This book with rounded tabs will teach them to little children in an easy and amusing way.
A first book of words and pictures for kids. Brightly-coloured, with many animals to stimulate looking at, pointing and learning.
A first book of words and pictures for kids. Brightly-coloured, with many animals to stimulate looking at, pointing and learning.
A first book of words and pictures for kids. Brightly-coloured, with many animals to stimulate looking at, pointing and learning.
A first book of words and pictures for kids. Brightly-coloured, with many animals to stimulate looking at, pointing and learning. My First 100 Words - Farm and Field Animals stands as a testament to the transformative power of words, pictures, and curiosity…
Unfold the pages of this fantastic book collection to share the exciting adventures of their characters and friends!
Unfold the pages of this fantastic book collection to share the exciting adventures of their characters and friends!
Unfold the pages of this fantastic book collection to share the exciting adventures of their characters and friends!
Light the pictures using the torch and discover what darkness hides. You will learn and have a great time!
Look at the maps and find out where each continent or country is, how big they are, their capital city and what their flag looks like. Enjoy putting over 200 stickers in the right place. You will find the flags of all the countries in the world and also…
A visual book to imagine thousands of stories, with one hundred and twenty stickers with their name to help the child become familiar with the spelling of frequent everyday words.
A visual book to imagine thousands of stories, with one hundred and twenty stickers with their name to help the child become familiar with the spelling of frequent everyday words.
Zoom the universe: its origin, the birth of stars and planets, galaxies and nebulas, the Solar System, planet Earth... and a lot more! Lets learn together and have fun with the stickers!
Enjoy astronomy and discover the story of the space race, right from the beginning: the first lunar missions, astronauts, life in space, space shuttles and a lot more! Explore the universe and have fun with the stickers!
Open the pages of this wonderful backpack and enjoy playing with its activities and games. Complete the drawings with the colours you like best and place the stickers where appropriate. There are many more to decorate everything you want! Youll see,…
Open the pages of this wonderful backpack and enjoy playing with its activities and games. Complete the drawings with the colours you like best and place the stickers where appropriate. There are many more to decorate everything you want! Youll see,…
Ruminiék hajója, a Szélkirálynő ezúttal északra hajózik, úti célja Zúzmaragyarmat fővárosa, Jégváros. Arrafelé télen már gyakran befagy a tenger, nem csoda, hogy az egerek igyekeznek mielőbb megjárni az utat. Ám egy aljas cselszövő titokban eltéríti…
Az Easy Reading-sorozat kötetei a korai nyelvtanulásban segítik a gyerekeket és szüleiket. A kötetekben a gyerekekhez közelálló témákat válogattuk össze, hogy hatékonyan segíthessük az angolul tanuló gyerekek tanulmányait. A második szint olvasmányai…
The Triwizard Tournament is to be held at Hogwarts. Only wizards who are over seventeen are allowed to enter – but that doesn`t stop Harry dreaming that he will win the competition. Then at Hallowe`en, when the Goblet of Fire makes its selection, Harry…
Egyedülálló képes atlasz kisiskolásoknak, amely szórakoztatva tanít! Bizonyára sok mindent tudsz az állatokról. De azt vajon tudod-e, milyen állatok élnek a sivatagban, vagy éppen a tengerek mélyén? Melyik a legnagyobb, és melyik a legkisebb állat a…