AM Maďarsko 1: 400 000 M.o. FB

This detailed road map of Hungary is very suitable for planning and traveling around the country. The road network is well represented, both the main roads, provincial and local roads. Road numbers are also clearly stated. Distances between places are marked on the map in kilometers, and gas stations are also marked in important places. Shadow shows the relief and sometimes some points with the actual height. Province borders, national parks and reserves are easy to find. Symbols indicate the location of tourist sites, monuments, historically important places and viewpoints. In certain places you can find hotels and campsites, airports, train connections and ports. ENG / GER

This detailed road map of Hungary is very suitable for planning and traveling around the country. The road network is well represented, both the main roads, provincial and local roads. Road numbers are also clearly stated. Distances between places are marked on the map in kilometers, and gas stations are also marked in important places. Shadow shows the relief and sometimes some points with the actual height. Province borders, national parks and reserves are easy to find. Symbols indicate the location of tourist sites, monuments, historically important places and viewpoints. In certain places you can find hotels and campsites, airports, train connections and ports. ENG / GER

Nyelv francia
Megjelenés éve 2024
Kötés típusa mapa
Méretek (Sz-M-H) 126 x 253 mm
EAN 9783707921656
Szállítási idő online ár - Készleten - 1 munkanap

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