Várszegi Adél

Robin and the Eozin Factory

When a shady-looking, hatted figure steals past her at the Lion Park, ten-year-old Robin knows something's not right and decides to find out what's going on. After following the strange figure through the roots of a ginkgo tree, she finds herself before a hidden gateway, which leads her into the mysterious Eozin Factory. Along the way, Robin becomes friends with Willy, a determined pixie boy, and Pyrogranite, a brave and kindhearted lion, as they join forces to protect the factory pixies, and the Eozin Factory itself, from the scheming of the hatted figure, Peregrieve.

When a shady-looking, hatted figure steals past her at the Lion Park, ten-year-old Robin knows something's not right and decides to find out what's going on. After following the strange figure through the roots of a ginkgo tree, she finds herself before a hidden gateway, which leads her into the mysterious Eozin Factory. Along the way, Robin becomes friends with Willy, a determined pixie boy, and Pyrogranite, a brave and kindhearted lion, as they join forces to protect the factory pixies, and the Eozin Factory itself, from the scheming of the hatted figure, Peregrieve.

Nyelv angol
Kiadó Mesemanager Kft
Megjelenés éve 2023
Oldalak száma 104
Kötés típusa karton - keménytáblás
Súly (g) 425 g
Méretek (Sz-M-H) 200x200
EAN 9786150193670
Szállítási idő online ár - Készleten - 1 munkanap

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