Alexander Volgin

Panzerkampfwagen Tiger Ausf. B

Tiger Ausf. B included all pros and cons of the German tank construction design. Ideas implicated in the Tiger Ausf. B were based on the previous designs and they omited excesses and disadvantages of earlier vehicles. This is the tank that allows to evaluate what the German tank industry has achieved and what could have happened in the future developments. This book deals with the background and development of German heavy tank Tiger Ausf. B, production history and constructional features, as well as evaluation of the captured vehicles by the Red Army during the field tests.

Tiger Ausf. B included all pros and cons of the German tank construction design. Ideas implicated in the Tiger Ausf. B were based on the previous designs and they omited excesses and disadvantages of earlier vehicles. This is the tank that allows to evaluate what the German tank industry has achieved and what could have happened in the future developments. This book deals with the background and development of German heavy tank Tiger Ausf. B, production history and constructional features, as well as evaluation of the captured vehicles by the Red Army during the field tests.

Nyelv magyar
Kiadó PeKo Kiadó
Megjelenés éve 2018
Oldalak száma 236
Kötés típusa keménytábla
Súly (g) 1140 g
Méretek (Sz-M-H) 210-295-15
EAN 9786155583131
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