Vaclav Smil


'There is no author whose books I look forward to more' Bill Gates100 words: The New York Times bestselling author returns with a mind-opening exploration of how size defines life on Earth.Explaining the key processes shaping size in nature, society and technology, Smil busts myths around proportions - from bodies to paintings and the so-called golden ratio - tells us what Jonathan Swift got wrong in Gulliver's Travels - the giant Brobdingnagian's legs would buckle under their enormous weight - and dives headfirst into the most contentious issue in ergonomics: the size of aeroplane seats.It is no exaggeration to say this fascinating and wide-ranging tour de force will change the way you look at absolutely everything.10 words: Size, an omnipresent scalar, is the measure of all things.1 word: Size.

'There is no author whose books I look forward to more' Bill Gates100 words: The New York Times bestselling author returns with a mind-opening exploration of how size defines life on Earth.Explaining the key processes shaping size in nature, society and technology, Smil busts myths around proportions - from bodies to paintings and the so-called golden ratio - tells us what Jonathan Swift got wrong in Gulliver's Travels - the giant Brobdingnagian's legs would buckle under their enormous weight - and dives headfirst into the most contentious issue in ergonomics: the size of aeroplane seats.It is no exaggeration to say this fascinating and wide-ranging tour de force will change the way you look at absolutely everything.10 words: Size, an omnipresent scalar, is the measure of all things.1 word: Size.

Nyelv angol
Kiadó Viking
Megjelenés éve 2023
Oldalak száma 304
Kötés típusa Paperback
Súly (g) 372 g
Méretek (Sz-M-H) 234 x 153
EAN 9780241507001
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