Bill Gardner, Catharine Fishel

Logo Lounge 5

The fifth volume in the best-selling LogoLounge series provides 2,000 totally new logos from designers worldwide. This book, like the previous titles in the series, is compiled in association with, a website dedicated to logos that was launched by Bill Gardner in 2002. Top designers and design firms are handpicked and invited to be foundation members, and then members can supply multiple logos to the site. Each LogoLounge book presents new logos that have been added to the site, providing designers with an invaluable source for design inspiration and a resource for design solutions.

The fifth volume in the best-selling LogoLounge series provides 2,000 totally new logos from designers worldwide. This book, like the previous titles in the series, is compiled in association with, a website dedicated to logos that was launched by Bill Gardner in 2002. Top designers and design firms are handpicked and invited to be foundation members, and then members can supply multiple logos to the site. Each LogoLounge book presents new logos that have been added to the site, providing designers with an invaluable source for design inspiration and a resource for design solutions.

Nyelv angol
Kiadó Rockport Publishers
Oldalak száma 192
Kötés típusa tvrdá
Méretek (Sz-M-H) 28 x 23,8 cm
EAN 9781592535279
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